Developing a Comprehensive Action Plan for Coal Mining Methane And Coalbed Methane

Experts gathered to address methane challenges and promote sustainable coal mining in India for methane reduction and environmental sustainability. Important considerations for this activity were 1. Overview on discussion on issues pertaining to mining practices of the country and how to bring in the sustainability into the sector from environmental and climate point of view. […]

Transformative Transport Non-CO2 Emissions and Climate Change

For determining the contribution of the transport sector in methane emission a brainstorming session was jointly organised by IIT Delhi, CSIR and ICCSA foundation. The activity’s focused points were: • Sources, monitoring and management of non-CO2 and methane emissions from the transport sector • Technological roadmap and abatement of non-CO2 and methane emissions from transport […]

Discussion on Methane Emission From Landfill And Waste Sector

In this activity, ICCSA Foundation, in association with Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS) discussed scientific, technical, and policy aspects of reducing landfill methane emissions. Important recommendations from this activity are as follows: Important recommendations from the session:

Exploring Sustainable Mining Solutions: CBM & CMM

The workshop on India’s Need for sustainable Mining: CBM & CMM was jointly organised by ICCSA and SOCLEEN to determine the technologies and knowledge available for sustainable mining in India. The agenda points of the workshop were: Recommended initiatives for controlling methane emissions: